Save money by controlling what you put into your mouth

Have you heard of the term garbage-in-garbage-out?

Our body is a system. If you feed it with nutritious and healthy food, it will thrive. If you feed it with snacks, junk food and empty calories, you will grow fat and unhealthy.

How can we control our diet?
Eating balanced meals from the basic food groups such as carbohydrates, protein, vegetables and fruits, and drinking water is important to your overall well-being. Control your diet by eating enough for your body's needs. If you are in a physically demanding job where you need to do hard labour, taking proportionately more carbohydrates may help you with sufficient energy. But for many of us who are in a sedentary jobs in the office, too much carbohydrate without sufficient exercise means gaining excess fats stored because we are not using up the calories we consume.

Overeating and snacking contributes to putting in too much calories into our bodies when our caloric output is not high. The excess tends to be stored in fat that is visible as well as those invisible parts clotting up our blood vessels. This is a major contributor to risk factors that could lead to obsesity, heart disease, high blood, high blood cholestrol levels etc.

Do not eat to a completely full stomach
Eat to about 3/4 full and top up by having fruits or water. Your mind takes time to register that you are full so the natural tendency is to eat beyond what we need in terms of calories. So after your meal, you may feel you are not full, but just stop, take some drinks and your body will later reach the full feeling.

Taking more soluble fibre in the form of fruits and vegetables also provides the bulk for our digestive system to work through and also help flush out toxins. Ever since I started on a rolled-oats breakfast diet coupled with a sensible moderate exercise programme of jogging on weekends, I have managed to trim a little bit of excess fat and gain more energy.

Focus on health benefits
When you are healthy, you spend less money on medical bills as well as sick-days making you save money and have a better quality of life.


Unknown said...

Hey I was just reading your blog cuz I am looking for tips to save money around and about Singapore. this one caught my eye especially because in my religion we have a saying for filling up your stomach: "One-third food, one-third water and one-third air". I try it whenever I remember it during mealtimes and it leaves me feeling quite energized and balanced inside!

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